Saturday, June 29, 2013

50 pounds and other milestones


Is it me you're looking for?

I haven't forgotten to write. I just haven't been able to. Since about early March, started dealing with some heavy, heavy emotional shit. My relationship fell apart, and I lost the man I thought I was going to marry and his children, whom I had made my family. School fell apart shortly after that, and I managed to not fail the important classes at least. But there was a fairly substanstial chunk of time there where I gave pretty much zero fucks about anything.

Well I'm back.

I haven't stopped my diet or losing weight, and this morning I hit 157 lbs, which I mean, fuck it. I'll say that's 50 lost so far.

Past that bit of information, don't expect beans to be spilled regarding the relationship. It was (mostly) mutual, and I'm doing better. Not great, but definitely better. Lately I've been realizing that I base too much of my life around my relationships and if/when they end... well I really do have nothing after that. I'm working on building my own foundation, something that will still belong to me when everything is all said and done. I'm tired of losing my entire life when people walk away.

So here's to my own, I suppose.