Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Victory is mine!

I did it... I got straight A's in my classes this semester. I've never done it in my entire life. Probably not even in elementary school, when all you had to do was shut your mouth for a little while and pay attention. I never could get those two down...

But I did it! Four beautiful, clearly marked A's are sitting on my transcript now. I think these are also the first A's I've gotten in college, ever.

Also, day 2 of bootcamp. Ow. Ow ow ow. But I worked my ass off. Everything below my pecs is pretty much worthless. Ab work was super hard, leg work was super hard. Deltoids and biceps? A-ok, in comparison, at least. Gotta work those glutes and abs!

Doing some light cardio on my days off from bootcamp, should probably add some weight work, or something. Idk. I need so much work on glutes and abs it just makes me sad.


Monday, December 17, 2012

I’m dead. I’m dead, I’m dead, I died, I dead.

I'm Marlin and Dory, from Finding Nemo. The light is the appeal of bootcamp class, and the angler fish is actual class, which is going to tear my ass apart very shortly.

But the first class is done. I hate my times, they're horrible, but at least there's a lot of room for improvement. Right after I go pass out.

Well... that was interesting.

So finals are over... commence the relieved sigh.

I finished Mass Effect 3... not really sure how I feel about it.

And bootcamp starts in the morning. I know exactly how I feel about it. I just hope I don't do as poorly as I'm worried I might.

To bed now... see you at 5 am, world.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Bioshock and plateaus

Ok so... first things first. Bioshock Infinite pushed back another month. We're looking at March 2013, now, which is not as far away as it sounds, I suppose. Either way, I'll be in school and I'll have to wait  play. BUT!!! Game play trailer! Amazing...

In other news... I've been sitting at this 186 mark for almost 10 days now. I know finals have been absorbing pretty much all my spare time and energy, but I need to get on top of it. I need to run. I need to eat better. I've been carb snacking here and there, when I'm in a rush, and it needs to stop.

I want more weight loss! I have to get it for myself.

I'm gonna do it...

I am doing it, but I'm gonna do it more. Hmph.

And, also, going to see The Hobbit this week! Very, very excited for this :)

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Quick brain warm-up

I'm writing my final paper for the semester, currently. Well, not at this VERY moment. At this very moment, I'm writing this blog post. But previously, I was writing my layout/brainstorming for the paper. And following this, I will begin the first draft of the paper.

My argument for the paper, and the question I pose to you now, is this: what is the responsibility of art? Does art even have responsibility?

The paper requires the dissection of a movie as it relates to your thesis, and my movie/novel is Lolita.

The questions I am asking are, did Lolita deserve to be banned? Does any art deserve to be banned? And what is the point... to show humanity at its best, at its most ideal? Or should art show the truth, both the lows and highs?

My answer, most simply, is this. Art is an expression of its creator, as as such, should be free of censorship. Art is rarely universally agreeable. Neither is human nature. But to fear art for its portrayal of the darker aspects is to ignore the reality of the problems. The problems exist. They have existed and will continue to exist. But to blame the messenger, the media that examines the issues, is to avoid the infection and blame the symptom.

Admitting you have a problem is the first step to recovery, is it not?

Now, Lolita is an interesting case. Nabokov claims in the afterword of his novel that there is "no moral in tow." However, despite an artist's intentions, they cannot control the reactions of their audience. One individual could read the novel and be rapturous in its aesthetics, for surely, it is a fabulous exploitation of the English language. Another, however, could be repelled by the subject matter. What it all comes down to, really, is the feelings of the audience. No one can control another's feelings. Feelings are a matter of choice. Do I choose to be so repulsed by the monstrous narrator that I cannot appreciate the beauty of his presentation? I choose to see past the fancy prose of the man who tries to be smarter than he is, to see his true nature as a kidnapper, molester, rapist, and all around violator of the young girl, and the girls before her. He apologizes for his actions, even as he delights in the delicious retelling of them. He victimizes himself to his jury, but critical reading is key, for between the lines of his confessions and excuses, is the truth. The abuse he commits is unforgivable, and is not intended to be seen as anything else.

This is the entire point. This story is no celebration of the joys of pedophilia, it is the troubled confession of a man who loathes his actions and relishes their memories. It does not make it a bad story, or an irresponsible piece of art. But were it pedo-centric propoganda, would I feel differently?

I would probably not read it, and if I had, I would probably not enjoy it. Does that mean that it is any less "art", and does that mean that because I did not agree with it that it should be thrown from the market? I don't know. I want to say no, that it should not. Would such a piece be supporting a violation of basic human rights? Yes, most likely. However, that doesn't mean it should be denied the chance to be accessed and similarly disagreed with. I doubt any such literature would convince someone who was not already prone to the thoughts and behaviors perpetrated therein. Media is not the source of actions or thoughts, and art imitates life. I cannot believe it would be encouraging to anyone but those previously engaged in the thought patterns. Media contributes, this I believe. But to remove it entirely would be more irresponsible and egregious than allowing it to exist in the first place.

If you don't like it, don't partake in it. Simple as that. Ignore it, and move on.

There is no bad press. Drawing attention to the negative with scathing reviews and fear-driven censorship will only draw a larger audience, curious to see what all the fuss is about.

Monday, December 3, 2012

20 pounds!

20 pounds bites the dust! I suspect that weight loss will slow down from here on out, as it regulates. However, I am starting several different work out type things... soon. That will definitely help and I'll start being able to see more results. Pictures soon, regarding the 20lbs, but I don't feel a lot different, really. Little things I notice, like the way my ring fits on my finger, or a pair of pants that use to be unable to button now bagging out on me by the end of the day. But I just don't... see it.

I'll be doing:
Couch-to-5k, 3x week
Bootcamp (Beginner's level, local gym), 3x week

When school starts again at the end of January, I'll not be in boot camp anymore, but I will be in 3 different PE classes, on top of the 3 academic ones. I'll be taking aerobics, "body contouring and conditioning", and yoga. Hopefully the pounds will drop, and the flab will tighten up, and by May... I should be fit and healthy and happy with the person I see in the mirror. I'm already happy with the inside, now I just need to match :)


Saturday, December 1, 2012


Those that know me understand that I get into obsessive phases. Recently, I have become interested in all things tea. My christmas list is covered in tea pots and kettles and beautiful little cups and blend after blend of loose leaf tea. I can't wait to get a proper pot and a matching pair of cups and just drink tea for hours with a friend, chatting away like usual. Only with tea!

I did finally try my first cup of loose leaf tea tonight, and really, it is different. As I enjoyed the white/mate chai blend, I felt what I think coffee people feel when they drink that first sip of their morning mug: full body warmlove. Everything is instantly better and your mind stops zooming so it can go "Hey man, what you're doing there... I really like that."

I've been obsessing over every aspect of tea, especially proper brewing and the differences between a traditional Japanese tea, and a British high noon tea. Both of which are fairly involved. I'm looking into Dukan recipes for tasty cookie biscuits, but I'm not 100% sure I would be happy dipping something into this awesome mug of hot perfection that I got going on right now.

Maybe snacks are out.

Dukan calls for an increase of water, and to avoid chemical-izing my entire being, I choose you, tea. And I love tea. I've had tea my whole life. But this departure from bagged tea to loose leaf...

My world just shifted.