Wednesday, October 31, 2012

First things, first.

Well, I started my diet. I'm a Dukaner, for now. I've read much praise and heard some criticisms from friends and family, but at this point, it is working.

I started my diet Monday, 10/22/12, @ 206lbs.

Considering the hour, I will go ahead and say today is still the 30th, and I'm down to 198.2lbs.

It's working, I feel fine, and when I no longer do, I will stop :)

I will have many, many posts concerning my weight-loss journey.

But this isn't just called "Fat"... it's "Fat Nerd". :)

I'll have many posts about school, I'm sure, as well as my other hobbies, including video games, crafting, cooking, baking, etc. Many things I enjoy that... not a lot of other people do :)

For now, I end the post with my most embarrassing pictures ever.... my "Before" pictures.


  1. Love it ... except the name. Cuz what will you be when you've lost the weight? Still a nerd, for sure, but no longer fat :) <3

    1. Then the FAT will respond to the quantity of my nerdness, not just the quantity of me :)

  2. First steps are the most courageous, I applaud this new beginning and look forward to reading about your journey!
