Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

Trick or Treating is hard work, but luckily, I got my required exercise and then some.

Anyone else notice a ton of Mario's, this year? Weird.

I did have some candy: one bag of peanut butter M&Ms. I love those suckers.

There were not too many people out this year, and I noticed my kids haul a lot less candy than I ever got. And we used to go for ages, too. Now people seem to just stick to a very confined area, and the loot isn't as generous.

My kids notice, too.

When I stay home and pass out candy, I will get buckets of candy and hand it out by the overflowing handful.

I wish Halloween was safe again. I wish I could bake up trays of delicious goodies and send them home with the adorable happy faces.

I shoulda been born earlier.

NERD NOTE: BLOPS 2 is two weeks away!!! I haven't been able to afford the pre-order but you better believe I will get my hands on a copy.

I bought the bf Dishonored for his birthday, he finally beat it. He said it's very short. I have been avoiding reviews on this game because I have been wanting to play so badly. Is it really only approx. 20 hours of gameplay? For the engine and all, I can see it, but Skyrim was huge and practically unlimited. Now don't get me wrong, I enjoy linear game-playing much more than such a widely open ended format. If I wanted to get a job, start a relationship, and not know what to do with myself.... I'd go outside.

But does that really need to limit the gameplay that much? I'll reserve judgement, but I'm afraid to be disappointed.

And one of these days, I'll finish ME3. I just really, really want to play the multiplayer before I launch into the final bit of the campaign. 

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