Sunday, February 9, 2014


I never read Fool. I had no intention of doing so at all, in fact.

What I meant, actually, was that I was reading A Dirty Job, by Christopher Moore. I really enjoyed this novel, which is a big deal for me because, for whatever reason, I dislike most books that attempt humor. I found Moore's use of humor poignant, relevant, realistic, and most importantly, actually funny. This was a hard one to put down, and I'm glad I had been given the nudge by the bf to check this one out.

Soooo The Hobbit.... I've actually been working on it, but my goal of getting it done last week (or this week, for that matter) has fallen away from me. But, what I did not expect (even after being a fervent fan of the two films out to date, and the LotR trilogy films), was that I would adore this story in its written form. In high school, I had once attempted to read The Fellowship of the Ring and utterly failed. Could not get into it, could not understand it. I feel that my experiences with A Song of Ice and Fire have prepared me for J. R. R. Tolkien's bombast and verbosity. In fact, I rather enjoy it. And so I've been plugging away at The Hobbit as best I can, but I've also been very, very occupied. I have started my new, full time job, which takes up a fair amount of my time, as you would expect. Sometimes I get some reading done on my lunch breaks, but with only half an hour, I spend most of my time cramming food into my mouth and catching up on my phone, since I am unable to do so at any other time during the day without high school-esque reprimands. I wake up pretty early in the mornings, now, to do bikram yoga (which, if you've ever liked any form of yoga, I cannot recommend highly enough), and I am in bed pretty early as well to get enough sleep. So the three-four hours between home from work and bed, they're pretty packed.

I've been catching back up on keto, but having a hell of a time getting my body into ketosis for some reason... considering a fat fast pretty soon here. I've started cooking on Sundays to cut down on my nightly prep chores. It helps, a bit.

My first paycheck ( of a proper, livable wage) in more than a year and a half... it's very exciting. Being a grown up is all well and good, but it's leaving me very little time for reading. Hopefully this week I can finish The Hobbit. I remember working full time and having my own place, and all of that, but it's been a long time and I've only ever done it fully on my own (without male assistance or company) once. I'm very excited, but as I meander back into proper adulthood, I am again disillusioned. Oh yes, I think, everything is harder and I will have no time and too many commitments and a lot of quiet time.

I don't think I've ever been warned about how very quiet having your own place is. I remember falling asleep my first night in my first very own place. It was scary. But I woke up in the morning, not worse than the day before. So I'm sure as I begin my steady crawling back out of the nest I have had the good fortune to always be able to return to, that when I finally see that first lonely night, I will wake up again.

Next Book: Should I read more Moore, or should I carry on with the LotR series and attempt to complete them once and for all? Or should I depart and choose something altogether new?

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