Friday, October 4, 2013

60 pounds

So. I weigh 146.

I'm just... I'm letting that sink in.

I'm almost at the one year mark from when I started losing. At this point, I'm not where I want to be, but I'm getting close, and it's time to start augmenting my diet with some serious exercise. I've got my Zombies, Run! 5k trainer, as well as doing a squat trainer, push up trainer, and sit up trainer. There are all phone apps, Zombies... is paid for, the rest are free.

So yeah. 146. The last time I saw you, I was 16. That was ten years ago. TEN YEARS.

Granted, it looked better then. There's a definite shape difference between gaining and losing. But fuck, aren't I getting there?

I could've started the working out a lot early, I know. I probably should have. But this pace, the ease of it, it's been working for me. And now with less weight to carry around, it will certainly be easier.

Squats and ab-work pretty much throw me into a blind rage, because I feel like they shouldn't be so difficult. But they are. And they make me hate me for how hard they are. But I know it's never going to get better unless I start. I have to. I want that bubble booty. I want that flat tummy.

Oh it's gonna happen. If I have to hate my weak little muscles for months, it's gonna happen.

146. Never thought it would actually show up again.

1 comment:

  1. You can do it!!!! I used the ab machine when I first started at the gym and I shredded my ab muscles. It hurt for a week to do anything! I was trying to push it and my body rejected it. I'm learning its it's gradual. Just when the tough get goin, just say fuck it!!!! (YAY!). We'll have those pretty booties in NO time, just may take longer on the outside than the inside to get there
