Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day

Yes, yes, go vote. I have opinions, like everyone else, but Jesus H. Christ, if this doesn't put an end to the political vampires trying to suck the votes out of me, someone is going to be very, very sad.

Further, why do only elementary schools become polling places, and thus have no classes that day? As a parent, I would rather have my youngest kids be in school, and if any of the kids have to be out, I would rather have it be the ones old enough to handle themselves either in my home or in my car, without me, for the 15 mins - 2 hours it takes one to usually vote. I would also like my college to immediately become a polling center so that I can have no classes today.

I did actually vote early... it was the easiest way to stop the hope rising up in the welling eyes of all the political booth workers, warming up their sales pitch.

Crush their souls... crush them all.

Edit: Yes, I know Halo 4 came out last night. Never been a huge Halo fan, for some  reason. I like the story, but something about the mechanics of the movement always threw me off and I've never been able to get a feel for that. That said, it looks amazing and I'm very sorry for those who had to miss the midnight release festivities.... like my boyfriend.

We'll get 'em next time, babe. 

Have fun, and all hail the Chief!

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