Monday, November 26, 2012

Post Holiday Musings

Since starting my diet, I knew that my timing would be tricky... holiday season is ultra food oriented and it's difficult to get together with family and friends and feel left out of all the delicious dishes you normally partake in.

For some diets, Weight Watchers, especially, you can eat what you want, as long as you're conscious of portions, etc. WW, however, has never worked for me. I've know those who have had massive success on that plan, and I was happier with my food options while doing WW, but my results were never substantial, dropping tenths of a pound every week.

With Dukan, my options are fairly limited, but with the benefit of a short term commitment. With the True Weight calculation, I have a basic idea of when my restricted options will cease. This is the main reason I'm able to cope with the diet, instead of an open ended date with the idea that "Hey, buddy, you'll get there.... someday!"

That said, I cheated on Thanksgiving. I didn't feel bad about it, either. I took tiny portions, about a spoonful, of the foods I love and craved. I didn't have seconds. I tried to avoid leftovers, but did have a few over the couple days following. But I have to say, it wasn't really worth it. Sure, I got the tastes I've been so programmed to love, but I paid for it.

Today I was finally back to where I was before Thanksgiving, 191.4 lbs. But I've been in so much pain trying to digest all the rich and fatty foods... not really worth it. And I forgot what holidays are really about... family, and those that we love.

I had a fabulous holiday. My family was here, at my house, where the meal was hosted. But the meal is symbolic for the greater message. I am thankful that I got to see so many family members on Thursday. I'm thankful that the timing worked perfectly, and I got to see my boyfriend and his kids and his family, as well, without missing a bit of the night. I'm thankful for his parents being so considerate, and providing extra turkey, since they know my diet is protein based. They've been very positive about school and my diet, and they don't have to, so I am grateful.

I am grateful that my professors didn't assign a massive homework load over the holiday, allowing me to have loads of fun, which is something I rarely do anymore.

For Christmas, I know that the point is people, not food. Spending time with those we care about and remembering why we have them in our lives is so much more important than wondering what food I'll be able to taste for the twenty minutes it takes us all to demolish the hours worth of work cooking it all, heh.

Happy Holidays, everyone. I hope I can keep my perspective through the next couple months! :)

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